Thursday, February 27, 2014

A blood clot contains a network of protein. What is the protein?


Outline how the liquid that flows through the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is produced

Unfiltered blood enters the glomerulus from the renal artery and goes through ultrafiltration. Blood passes through the basement membrane then passes on to the pct

Setae the name of the substances reabsorbed by the pct

Glucose, mineral ions, protein, and water

Discuss the benefits and dangers of immunizations against bacterial and viral infections

Immunizations can prevent global disease
They can accidentally cause mild symptoms or allergic reactions

Some but not all, substances that can be tested for in the urine of the patient. Why do some substances present in the bloodstream show up in urine samples and others do not?

Glucose present in urine can be tested for to find if a patient has diabetes
If it is present the patient has diabetes. If not, the patient is highly unlikely to have diabetes

Identify all of the cellular and molecular layers that a molecule would have to pass through in order to be ultrafiltered and then reabsorbed into the bloodstream within a single nephron

Ultrafiltration happens across the glomerulus and the bowman's capsule.
In order for this to move across the membranes above needs a hydrostatic pressure gradient and a basement membrane
The substances comes in through the afferent to the efferent to the proximal convoluted tubule to the loop of Henle to the distal convoluted tubule finally going to the collecting tubule

The proximal convoluted tubule extends from the Bowman's capsule and is where most selective reabsorption in the nephron occurs. All glucose, amino acids, vitamins and hormones are reabsorbed here, along with most (~80%) of the mineral ions and water. The proximal convoluted tubule has a microvilli cell lining to increase the surface area for the absorption of materials from the filtrate. There are also a large number of mitochondria in these cells, as reabsorption from the filtrate involves active transport. Once materials have been actively reabsorbed into the tubule cells, they can passively diffuse into the bloodstream (along the concentration gradient)Mineral ions and vitamins are actively transported via protein pumps or carrier proteins. Glucose is actively transported across the membrane in symport with sodium. Water follows the movement of the ions passively (via osmosis)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Describe the steps of blood clotting

Platelets or damaged cells release a group of proteins called clotting factors. These clotting factors are released into the plasma a wound site
Clotting factors activate the enzyme thrombin from its inactive form prothrombin
Thrombin turns the soluble plasma protein fibrinogen into its insoluble fibrous from fibren.
Fibrin binds together platelets and blood cells to form a solid plus for the wound. This plug is called a clot.

Discuss active vs passive immunity

Passive immunity involves no use of energy
Active immunity allows the cells in the body to use energy to fight antigens
Passive immunity is like that of an immunity from a vaccine
Active is like that of being exposed to a new flu virus and actively fighting it off

Outline the immune response to an antigen

T cells identify an antigen in the body
They then bring in the white blood cells and call the body into a protective mode
This protective node facilitates the growth of antibodies which are used to eradicate all of the antigens

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Definitions for genetics

1. Homozygous- the same trait on both alleles
2. Phenotype- what of the possible genotypes actually appears
3. Carrier- someone who has a trait for a recessive gene that doesn't show, but can be passed on to the next generation
4. Can a mom with A blood and a Dad with B blood have children with O blood? Yes, both would have to be carriers of the O blood type
5. Can a Mom with hemophilia and a Dad that is normal have children with hemophilia? Yes they are very likely to have children with hemophilia