Monday, March 3, 2014

What are the steps in oogenesis?

Oogenesis describes the production of female gametes (ova) within the ovary The process begins during foetal development, when a large number of cells (oogonia) are formed by mitosis before undergoing a period of growth These cells begin meiosis but are arrested in prophase I until puberty At puberty, some follicles continue to develop each month is response to FSH secretion These follicles complete the first meiotic division to form two cells of unequal size The cell with less cytoplasm is a polar body (which degenerates), while the larger cell forms a secondary oocyte The secondary oocyte begins the second meiotic division but is arrested in prophase II (until fertilisation) It is released from the ovary (ruptured follicle develops into corpus luteum) and, if fertilisation occurs, will complete meiosisThe second meiotic division will produce an ovum and a second polar body

What are the steps in spematogenesis?

Spermatogenesis describes the production of spermatozoa (sperm) in the seminiferous tubules of the testes The first stage of sperm production requires the division of germline epithelium by mitosis These cells (spermatogonia) then undergo a period of growth This is followed by two meiotic divisions that result in four haploid daughter cells These haploid cells then differentiate to form sperm cells The developing sperm cells are nourished throughout by the Sertoli cells

Thursday, February 27, 2014

A blood clot contains a network of protein. What is the protein?


Outline how the liquid that flows through the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is produced

Unfiltered blood enters the glomerulus from the renal artery and goes through ultrafiltration. Blood passes through the basement membrane then passes on to the pct

Setae the name of the substances reabsorbed by the pct

Glucose, mineral ions, protein, and water

Discuss the benefits and dangers of immunizations against bacterial and viral infections

Immunizations can prevent global disease
They can accidentally cause mild symptoms or allergic reactions

Some but not all, substances that can be tested for in the urine of the patient. Why do some substances present in the bloodstream show up in urine samples and others do not?

Glucose present in urine can be tested for to find if a patient has diabetes
If it is present the patient has diabetes. If not, the patient is highly unlikely to have diabetes